Testing - 1, 2 and 3


above : Test pinhole pictures of the Godiva Statue

Feeling a little nervous before the workshop on Friday I decided to test the homemade drinks can pinhole cameras in City Arcade and further afield around the city centre to gauge exposure times and make sure my makeshift tech is going to behave. I ventured down city arcade and out around the city centre where we will be exploring with our pinhole cameras in the afternoon. Exposure times were fast for a camera made from a recycled drinks can - 2 seconds in full sun for the Godiva statue above. I want the young people to look at this statue and compare it to Elizabeth Frink's painting in the workshop. Perhaps putting the wide angle cans much closer to it on the plinth will create some more interesting distortions than my first attempt.

Elizabeth Frink Aesop's Fables II and Study of a Horse, courtesy of the British Museum

It is a little darker in city arcade with exposure times at 7 seconds, but I really enjoy the shapes that the roof structure makes in the images. The curved shape of the homemade can camera distorts the images, acting as a wide angle lens which draws out and curves the straight lines of the roof structure, making them appear as a spider web below.

My third and final test image at the opposite end of the arcade really uses the can shape to curve the roof, making the lighter panels look almost eye shaped. I'm looking forward to exploring this technique with the young people now and excited to see what they can make with these ultra lo-fo cameras.
